Friday, November 19, 2010


So I finally found a rowing club nearby on the st georges river. I've been sculing there twice, once during the mid morning when the boat traffic had picked up to the point where it was unrowable, and another time at 6 in the morning. The river is pretty wide where you launch from, with a trestle bridge and a bunch of boats moored offshore. But as you go up the river it starts to look like something straight out of apocalypse now. And not the naked scenes with the playboy bunnies. There are mangroves on either bank that just look like they're probably concealing the most horrifying creature on the continent. And to boot, some of the employees were telling me about the great whites they have seen on the river. Apparently they go insane and swim up brackish rivers when they're sick. The normal residents are bull sharks, which can also get pretty big and aggressive. But do I care? No. And my hand is steady out there; it doesn't shake, just like leo's in the departed. I actually I hope I see a shark when I'm in a double, just so I can turn to whoever I'm crewing with and say 'were gonna need a bigger boat.' It's so rare to be able to use that line, especially in pretty much the exact context its used in for jaws. In other news I saw a guy at the gym today wearing sunglasses as he worked out. It was around 7pm. I asked if he was agent smith from the matrix and he was not amused. Why would he need to wear sunglasses in the gym. Either he's ill in the brain or he doesn't have pupils -just white eyes- and doesn't want to cause a scene in which case sunglasses are his civic duty. As a rule, if I see a guy with no pupils its usually game over for whatever I'm doing

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